Bashar Murad

Bashar Murad

Fadi Dahabreh

Bashar Murad is a Palestinian singer/songwriter and filmmaker, producing globally influenced pop music rooted in Palestinian spirit. His music challenges stereotypes and highlights social issues facing Palestinian youth that are seldom addressed in Palestine, including living under the occupation, gender equality, and LGBTQ+ rights.

Whether he’s performing in a wedding dress or singing about LGBTQ+ issues, Bashar is always taking risks. As an Arab living in Jerusalem, he is constantly challenging several of the conservative elements of his society. I try to be respectful to people but also try not to, says Bashar. As an example, he mentions his song “Ilkul 3am Bitjawaz” (Everyone’s Getting Married), which riffs on society’s traditional view of marriage. In the video Bashar plays the priest, the waiter, the groom and the bride, challenging and breaking gender roles.