Zoe Bunter

Zoe Bunter

Zoë Bunter is a professional charity fundraiser and has worked in charities – both secular and faith-based – for over 15 years. Today, she is Head of Mission Development at The Leprosy Mission England and Wales. Zoë raises funds to support the 3 million people across the world suffering with permanent disabilities caused by leprosy, and the 200,000 people newly diagnosed with leprosy every year.

Zoë is passionate about fundraising as a spiritual ministry serving both donors and beneficiaries. She challenges commonly-held beliefs about the charity sector – that staff salaries are too high, that ‘overheads’ are a waste of money, and that using donations for fundraising is not ethical. She blogs regularly and is active on social media. Zoë is a member of the Advisory Panel of Rogare Fundraising think tank based at Plymouth University. She is an occasional preacher in her local area.