Theology For the End of the World


Please note, this recording contains language that some people may find offensive.

It feels like the world is ending. In the midst of apocalyptic times it’s tempting to cling on tightly to what we still have. But what if our desire to save the world is part of the problem? Marika Rose’s new book suggests that we should stop trying to unearth a ‘good version’ of Christianity which stands opposed to the violence of capitalism, racism and patriarchy and seek instead to reckon with the role that Christianity has played in making the world we now inhabit. What might Christianity look like if we gave up on trying to redeem the world – a social order founded on violence and exploitation – and sought instead to end it? Marika Rose is senior lecturer in philosophical theology at the University of Winchester. She is a trustee of Greenbelt, and a regular contributor to The Daily Service on BBC Radio 4 longwave. She is the author of A Theology of Failure: Žižek Against Christian Innocence and Theology for the End of the World. Marika will be in conversation with Victoria Turner. Victoria has just finished a PhD in World Christianity at the University of Edinburgh where she explored class and coloniality in mission and is now joining Ripon College Cuddesdon and the Associate Faculty at Oxford University as a Lecturer in Theology.

Marika Rose