The Gospel According to Everyone


How come in church we only ever hear the gospels of four men in Palestine 2,000 years ago? What about the gospels of the people sitting right next to us: the woman who gave up her child for adoption, the gay man shunned by his children, the atheist who found he’d become a believer, the gardener who notices God in the roses. Short stories of faith and doubt, of love and longing by people you’ve never heard from a church you’ve never been to which is just like yours.

Martin Wroe is a writer who spends most of his life in Holloway, north London or on Twitter. He is one of the trustees of Greenbelt. His only previous talk at Greenbelt was in 1985 and at the present rate he anticipates having enough material for a third and final Greenbelt talk in 2037. He is a committed believer in everyone else.

Martin Wroe