Saving Paradise: Water


Christians are baptised into the paradise garden with its great rivers of justice. How are we today to understand the meaning of water for the incarnation of justice and mercy in our lives, for Christian spiritual practice that loves the earth, and for the refreshment of life around the world? A multi-media talk and ritual celebrating water.

Since 1990, Rebecca Parker has been the president of Starr King Unitarian Universalist School in California, the first woman to serve as the permanent head of an accredited theological school. Rita Nakashima Brock is a theologian, author, international lecturer, professor of religion, former director of the fellowship program at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study and has served on the board of directors of the American Academy of Religion. Rebecca Parker and Rita Nakashima Brock together wrote Saving Paradise the book which inspired this year’s festival theme.

Greenbelt Talks