Fear and hope after visiting Gaza
A guest blog from Neil Graham at Embrace the Middle East reflecting on his recent trip to Gaza and sharing what the tiny, shrinking Christian population there is achieving, against the odds: I have...
The Sound of Conversation
Back again for 2016! This exciting and fast paced presentation format will allow you to feast on a smorgasboard of creative inspiration, taking in a festival's worth of new ideas in one...
Sheena Cruse
Painting and drawing from observation have always been at the heart of Sheena's art. Her work includes landscape, portraiture and the human figure. As a practising artist she painted murals on...
If you go down to the woods today …
... be sure of a big surprise!The Grove at Greenbelt 2016We may not have a Teddy Bear's picnic at Greenbelt 2016, but we've got a hamper full of goodies all the same.In The Grove venue this...
Children’s and Family Programming
A recent survey discovered that seven out of 10 parents were keen to head to a festival with their kids instead of on a traditional summer holiday this year. The same survey found that over half...
Discover Video Games at Greenbelt
Bringing video-games to an arts festival is a similar challenge to engaging children in poetry. Largely untapped by young people, poetry can offer a rich seam of beautiful and unimagined ways of...
How does your garden grow?
A guest blog from our associate partners, the URC.Why is it easier to be kind to plants than to people, asks Ann Honey, church-related community worker with the United Reformed Church.I work in...
Drew Worthley
Drew Worthley crafts a curious blend of cerebral indie-pop with a twist of lyrical Americana. Getting regular airplay from BBC 6 Music, Drew's songs explore faith, doubt, economics and literature,...
LUMA is a DJ from SE London, who has been coming to Greenbelt from an early age. Her DJ career kickstarted after playing at Greenbelt at the age of 16, and she has continued to DJ at Greenbelt...
Verity Peacock
Verity Peacock is an experienced facilitator of women's circles, as well as co-editor of The Barefoot Diaries, community gatherer, mother and homemaker. Find her at barefootings.wordpress.com.
Stu McLellan
Stu McLellan is an illustrator by training and inclination and feels most deeply at home in nature, running outside to stand under rainstorms, foraging in hedgerows. He also runs community art...
Joe Waller
Joe Waller is a young singer songwriter from the South of England. Joe's distinctive soft tone has been attracting a growing fan base since he first performed just over a year ago. Combining...
Gavin Mart
Gavin Mart is a pioneering musician and artist from North Wales. Scooping the UK Events Award for Positive Impact in 2016 his work in the margins have unearthed treasures deep within the...
Imagination and refugees
Pictured: Inua Ellams, An Evening With An ImmigrantThe tragic and senseless killing of MP Jo Cox in her constituency will have caused us to shudder: how can such goodness be destroyed? Her...
The wisdom of Nadia Bolz-Weber
A Guest blog from our partners at Canterbury Press ...--------------------------What if the annoying person you try to avoid is actually seconds away from becoming an accidental saint in your life?...