Home for Good

Home for Good

38,000 children and young people come into the care system every year needing safe, stable and nurturing homes and families to belong to. Who Cares? Will you?

Because every fifteen minutes in the UK, a child will come into care.

Many will have suffered neglect or abuse, all will experience trauma and loss. Each one deserves a home where they will be loved, nurtured and enabled to thrive, whether that’s through short-term or long-term foster care, with a new adoptive family, or through supported lodgings.

Because more families are urgently needed.

All children and young people should be able to grow up in the family and setting that is right for them. Some may be able to live with friends or family members (which is known as kinship care or private fostering). Many will need a foster family or will live with a supported lodgings host. Some children will go on to be placed for adoption.

Because God calls us to respond.

Throughout the Bible we are reminded of God’s heart for the vulnerable, and particularly those without a family to love and protect them.

“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families.” Psalm 68:6

As God’s children, adopted into His great family, we are called to care for the vulnerable as part of our worship, to defend those unable to defend themselves, and to seek justice on their behalf.

Will you stand with Home for Good and play your part for vulnerable children?