Ben Solanky

Ben Solanky

Ben is the Director and Co-Founder of the charity Empathy Action.

He’s worked in the charity sector for over 20 years. He started out by asking companies to give their surplus products for aid work to help developing an online humanitarian ‘eBay’-type portal to broker between business and charities across the world from what one group needs with what another has available. 

Whilst working in facilitating partnership he discovered the role of empathy and perspective taking to inspire a new wave of creative partnering and stirring of compassionate action for the needs of the planet. 

Ben has also been involved in a number of initiatives including the campaign to ask festival goers to donate, rather than leave behind, their tents for needs; bringing a Haitian earthquake survivor to the London 2012 Paralympic Games and more recently with the End Poverty 2030 group looking to stir up the local church to engage with the UN’s The Global Goals.

Ben is a recent Greenbelt goer and loves the space it creates for fellowship, conversation and understanding.

He is propped up by an incredible wife and four boys.