The Revd. Dr. Gillian Straine is CEO of The Guild of Health and St Raphael, an ecumenical Christian Organisation that exists to equip and inspire people to nurture health and healing in ourselves, our community and in our world. She is passionately committed to health, healing and Christian living. She is a cancer survivor, Anglican priest, theologian and scientist with a strong interest in communication and teaching. She has a doctorate in Physics from Imperial College London and an MA in Theology from the University of Oxford. She is particularly keen to bring the study of science into conversations about Christian healing. She is the author of Introducing Science and Religion: A path through polemic (SPCK, 2014), The Limits of Science? (CSP, 2017) and Cancer: A Pilgrim Companion (SPCK, 2017).
Revd. Dr. Gillian Straine