Naomi Millner

Naomi Millner

Naomi Millner is a geography lecturer, activist-researcher, community gardener and storyteller.

Her research projects are all linked with questions of land and the politics of knowledge, with key themes including food justice, access to land, and agro-ecology. She is currently working with social movements and community groups in Central America in the UK on issues surrounding food and land poverty as part of a new ‘Soil, Seeds, and Social Change’ research network she has helped set up.

Wearing another hat she helps run the ‘Bristol Hospitality Network’, a charity which supports destitute asylum-seekers with housing and social enterprise. She is an active ‘permaculture’ gardener and helps manage community orchards and forest gardens.

But in many ways the weaving and telling of stories, which in many ways form the central thread in her adventures with history, ecology, politics, and creative monasticism. These stories help her travel from one ‘world’ to another, and, she hopes, help others to do the same.