Dantes Inferno presented by Craft Theatre

Dantes Inferno presented by Craft Theatre

Craft Theatre Presents:
Dante’s Inferno: A Modern Telling

If you think Dante’s Inferno doesn’t need another postmodern kooky reworking, think again. In the capable hands of Craft Theatre, Dante Alighieri’s masterpiece is intense, compelling and – crucially – a pleasure to watch. We all have our circles of Hell to surmount in the modern world. 700 years on, Inferno is as relevant as ever. Intensity, emotional authenticity, physical spectacle; Craft Theatre will have you on the edge of your seat.

Since its debut performance in 2014, Craft has been regarded as a Theatre-powerhouse in regards to the actors’ authenticity and capacity to bare the deepest parts of themselves. The company is truly on the brink of an entirely new way of creating. Every performance is different. Every moment is dense.
