Students, Young People & The Common Good

Students, Young People & The Common Good

A guest blog from Associate Partners, The Student Christian Movement (SCM).

As Christians, if we want to start building The Common Good, we must begin with our churches – because they are an integral part of local life, meeting people where they are to share the love of God and bring disparate communities together as one body.

At SCM, we want to see churches embracing the call to justice and involving students in the process. But how do we get students and engaged in the church? What exactly are they looking for? Hundreds of thousands of words have been devoted to answering this question, and yet sometimes it feels like we still don’t know.

Perhaps we need to reframe the question and instead ask how we can work together to foster values of authenticity and hospitality in our church life. SCM’s new resource, Welcoming Students to Your Church is focused on that question, and combines statistics about student life and belief, articles from researchers on the topics of spirituality and discipleship, case studies from churches and practical tips on student ministry.

The transition to university is a time of great change, leading to significant development in a young person’s life. According to Jenny Morgans, a Deacon at North Lambeth Parish and author of the article ‘Student faith: intentionality, identity and safety in a time of upheaval’, students are keen to re-create a sense of family as soon as possible – by meeting new people and making friends. Churches can play a significant role in this process, organising welcome meals, providing space for small groups, or running activities tailored for students.

Jenny’s research found that within this church context, the feeling of being part of a community often trumped the need to agree theologically with a particular teaching. Making friends is what mattered, with many students settling into the first or second church they attended because they found a solid friendship group. ‘Friendship with fellow sojourners contributed to a sense of belonging, helped Christian life feel more normal and acceptable, and helped to break down the debilitating effects of ‘imposter syndrome’ that almost every student will feel to some extent,’ Jenny says.

There is a flip side to this. Life at university can often feel like a bubble – and that feeling of insularity can apply as much to church life as it does to student life. This inward-looking focus can be damaging. Many of the students surveyed were not aware of the diversity of Christian belief and expression at university. This means they ‘do not realise that they have scope to make decisions about what is most important to their faith.’