The People’s Gallery

The People’s Gallery

Will you be part of the festival in a shed? The People’s Gallery is an opportunity for all Greenbelter’s – young or old; seasoned camper or festival newbie; mainstage performer or thoughtful crowd member – to become part of the festival.

Artists and writers! … we invite you to cover the walls with your creations to craft the People’s Gallery. Performers come and sing, play or dance. Tell a story or capture imaginations with spoken word. Be inspired by the creativity of the Greenbelt masses in the ever changing and the intimate setting of a garden shed. Me. You. Us.

Throughout the festival we know that there are people writing, drawing, doodling, painting, creating, thinking, sculpturing, singing and sketching. With words, with pictures, inks, pencils, natural objects, instruments, a cappella, alone and in groups. Art is created, stories told, poetry spoken, songs sung and views shared. The People’s Gallery is your space to fill, a blank canvas waiting for all of us to get involved.

Find The People’s Gallery in The Wilderness.